Saturday, January 4, 2014

Words of Wisdom by Some Wise Men

Here are some of my favorite quotations related to vegan and vegetarian lifestyle, which give me inspiration and motivation to continue my endeavor to spread love and goodness and to contribute in reducing cruelty and injustice towards all living creatures. I would love to know if you have any other favorite quotes!! You can leave a comment to add to the list :)) Here they are...

"There is no fundamental difference between man and animals in their ability to feel pleasure and pain, happiness, and misery." ~ Charles Darwin
"We do not need to eat animals, wear animals, or use animals for entertainment purposes, and our only defence of these uses is our pleasure, amusement, and convenience." Gary L. Francione
“We all love animals. Why do we call some ‘pets’ and others ‘dinner?’” ~ K.D. Lang
"I became a vegan the day I watched a video of a calf being born on a factory farm. The baby was dragged away from his mother before he hit the ground. The helpless calf strained its head backwards to find his mother. The mother bolted after her son and exploded into a rage when the rancher slammed the gate on her. She wailed the saddest noise I’d ever heard an animal make, and then thrashed and ...dug into the ground, burying her face in the muddy placenta. I had no idea what was happening respecting brain chemistry, animal instinct, or whatever. I just knew that this was deeply wrong. I just knew that such suffering could never be worth the taste of milk and veal. I empathized with the cow and the calf and, in so doing, my life changed." ~ James McWilliams
“As long as people will shed the blood of innocent creatures there can be no peace, no liberty, no harmony between people. Slaughter and justice cannot dwell together.” ~ Isaac Bashevis Singer, writer and Nobel laureate (1902–1991)
"A man can live and be healthy without killing animals for food; therefore, if he eats meat, he participates in taking animal life merely for the sake of his appetite. And to act so is immoral." ~ Leo Tolstoy, novelist, short story writer, playwright, essayist (1828-1910)
"The time will come when men such as I will look upon the murder of animals as they now look upon the murder of men." ~ Leonardo Da Vinci
"Suffering is suffering. It is always ugly. It is always unwelcome. It always needs to be stopped. There are no exceptions. A person with the capacity but not the inclination to cease suffering is morally incomplete." ~ Mirko Bagaric
”Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food” ~ Hippocrates
"Nothing will benefit human health and increase the chances for survival of life on Earth as much as the evolution to a vegetarian diet." ~ Albert Einstein
"We cannot have peace among men whose hearts find delight in killing any living creature." ~ Rachel Carson
“It is my view that the vegetarian manner of living, by its purely physical effect on the human temperament, would most beneficially influence the lot of mankind.” ~ Albert Einstein (1879–1955)
“Wild animals never kill for sport. Man is the only one to whom the torture and death of his fellow creatures is amusing in itself.” ~ James A. Froude, English historian (1818–1894)
“The difference in mind between man and the higher animals, great as it is, certainly is one of degree and not of kind.” ~ Charles Darwin, The Descent of Man
“Until he extends the circle of his compassion to all living things, man will not himself find peace.” ~ Albert Schweitzer, French philosopher, physician, and musician (Nobel 1952)
“I've been vegan since I got out of the hospital... It's another eye opener. It changed my life in a number of ways.” ~ Travis Barker
“For as long as man continues to be the ruthless destroyer of lower living beings, he will never know health or peace. For as long as men massacre animals, they will kill each other. Indeed, he who sows the seeds of murder and pain cannot reap joy and love.” ~ Pythagoras (570-490 BC)
“To become vegetarian is to step into the stream which leads to nirvana.” ~ Buddha (563-483 BC)
“Non-violence leads to the highest ethics, which is the goal of all evolution. Until we stop harming all other living beings, we are still savages.” ~ Thomas Edison (1847-1931)
“When we kill the animals to eat them, they end up killing us because their flesh, which contains cholesterol and saturated fat, was never intended for human beings.” ~ William Roberts, MD (1932-present)
“If slaughterhouses had glass walls, everyone would be a vegetarian.” ~ Paul McCartney (1942-present)
“The beef industry has contributed to more American deaths than all the wars of this century, all natural disasters, and all automobile accidents combined. If beef is your idea of “real food for real people,” you’d better live real close to a real good hospital.” ~ Neal D. Barnard, MD (1953-present)
“In fact, if one person is unkind to an animal it is considered to be cruelty, but where a lot of people are unkind to animals, especially in the name of commerce, the cruelty is condoned and, once large sums of money are at stake, will be defended to the last by otherwise intelligent people.” ~ Ruth Harrison (1920-2000)

“The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way its animals are treated.” ~ Mahatma Gandhi

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